Tuesday, 31 May 2011

how to get the job of your dreams

how to get the job of your dreams
how to get the job of your dreams. “Dream job.” What does it really mean? For most people it means challenge, opportunity, autonomy, work-life balance, and an ethical work environment. To other people it means a great compensation package, working with people they like and having a boss that is fair and non-judgmental. What more could you ask for? It doesn’t matter. The point is that in order to get a “dream job,” you have to know what you’re looking for.
Few people have a clear vision of what their “dream job” looks like or what they expect to be doing five or ten years in the future. Sometimes people spend many years in the same job with the same organization before they decide to seek out the “job of their dreams.” People also change over time; the job that fulfilled an individual ten years ago may leave him or her feeling bored and restless today. Whether you are preparing to enter the job market for the first time, but are unsure about what kind of work you would like, or just feel it’s time to find a job that is more fulfilling, begin by asking yourself the following questions:

What can I do? For example:

What special skills and knowledge do I use to perform my job duties?
What special skills do I have that I do not currently use?
In what area(s) would I like more training?
What will it take to make that happen?
How much time will I need to invest in the training I want—Weeks? Months? Years?
Is my supervisor supportive of me and the things I have proven that I can do well?

What do I want to do? For example:

What do I want to do more of in my next job?
What did/do I like most about my previous/current job?
Would I prefer working alone or as part of a team?
How much travel and time away from home is too much?
Do I want to be in a position of authority, or would I be happy as a follower?
How important are advancement opportunities?
If I could have any job at all, what would I choose?
What keeps me motivated?
What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
Are you more focused on finding a “dream job” or pursuing a satisfying lifestyle?

These questions are the tip of the iceberg. Every individual has a wide array of abilities and talents. Each person has several career and/or job possibilities in which they could excel, all of which may be equally satisfying. Different jobs present different degrees of challenge, as do different careers. Today we have five times the job diversification that we had only ten years ago. We can expect this variety to continue expanding. So if you are intent in finding your “dream job,” you have work to do. It’s also possible that you want and need more than a “dream job.” You may benefit from a new career within or outside of the field of engineering. Other people have made major leaps of faith into new jobs and careers; you can too if you want it badly enough.

In considering your “dream job,” just because you think you would like a particular job or career doesn’t mean that you can make a living doing it. Keep in mind that interests and aptitudes are not the same. What you would like to do and what you have the skills to do could be two entirely different things. For example, an interest may motivate you to want to become a professional tennis player. However, your interest may not be enough to compensate for deficiencies in ability or lack of aptitude for the game. Also, being good at something does not always mean you will enjoy it as a job. Having an interest and aptitude for mathematics, for example, does not mean that you would enjoy being a high school math teacher or research scientist.

Another consideration is how happy you will be with your “dream job” if you do not earn what you’ve made in the past or do not earn enough to cover your expenses. If you have a true interest in a “dream job” that offers primarily lower pay than you are accustomed to, are you willing to adjust your standard of living to match your income? Some people feel that job satisfaction compensates for lower pay; others do not. You will also want to evaluate opportunities in your field. Evaluate the supply of labor versus demand for employees with particular skills. Will it be easy or difficult to get a job in your chosen field? Make your decisions based upon the challenges you may face.

A very important consideration in the personality department is whether you are an extrovert or introvert. Extroverts want people around them; they get their energy from interacting with people. They often think out loud as they work toward solutions. Introverts derive most of their energy from their minds. They think things through silently. They would just as soon work alone as with others. They often get tired when too many people are around them. Neither personality type is right or wrong. Most of us can act either way at times.

When it comes to work, each individual prefers a particular method of operating. You need to be aware of your preference when seeking a “dream job.” For example, an introvert might do well in research, but would do very poorly as a sales engineer. An extrovert, who was highly successful at leading a fund raising campaign, making speeches and meeting people, would likely be very unhappy spending the day in an office analyzing traffic flow data.

Millions of job vacancies are created every day because new jobs are created every day. Opportunities abound. As you search for your “dream job,” keep in mind that you will want to consider a variety of things before making a change. It’s important to base your decision on interests, values, skills and personality traits. Avoid pursuing a “dream job” based upon only one or two criterion. What we are really talking about here is how to get organized for new successes. You can do it!

In conclusion, finding your “dream job” means embarking on an exciting challenge that can lead to a myriad of opportunities, but it will take planning and introspection. Don’t jump into something without the confidence that you will be successful. As you know, the grass often seems greener on the other side. A job or career change is a serious decision. What’s right for someone else may not be right for you. Carefully evaluate your reasons for change. Consider asking family members and close friends for their opinions, but only if you want them to tell you the truth. You may also want to consult a professional career counselor before making your final decision. Leaving your current job for your “dream job” will not guarantee happiness.“Dream job.” What does it really mean? For most people it means challenge, opportunity, autonomy, work-life balance, and an ethical work environment. To other people it means a great compensation package, working with people they like and having a boss that is fair and non-judgmental. What more could you ask for? It doesn’t matter. The point is that in order to get a “dream job,” you have to know what you’re looking for.

Few people have a clear vision of what their “dream job” looks like or what they expect to be doing five or ten years in the future. Sometimes people spend many years in the same job with the same organization before they decide to seek out the “job of their dreams.” People also change over time; the job that fulfilled an individual ten years ago may leave him or her feeling bored and restless today. Whether you are preparing to enter the job market for the first time, but are unsure about what kind of work you would like, or just feel it’s time to find a job that is more fulfilling, begin by asking yourself the following questions:

What can I do? For example:

What special skills and knowledge do I use to perform my job duties?
What special skills do I have that I do not currently use?
In what area(s) would I like more training?
What will it take to make that happen?
How much time will I need to invest in the training I want—Weeks? Months? Years?
Is my supervisor supportive of me and the things I have proven that I can do well?

What do I want to do? For example:

What do I want to do more of in my next job?
What did/do I like most about my previous/current job?
Would I prefer working alone or as part of a team?
How much travel and time away from home is too much?
Do I want to be in a position of authority, or would I be happy as a follower?
How important are advancement opportunities?
If I could have any job at all, what would I choose?
What keeps me motivated?
What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
Are you more focused on finding a “dream job” or pursuing a satisfying lifestyle?

These questions are the tip of the iceberg. Every individual has a wide array of abilities and talents. Each person has several career and/or job possibilities in which they could excel, all of which may be equally satisfying. Different jobs present different degrees of challenge, as do different careers. Today we have five times the job diversification that we had only ten years ago. We can expect this variety to continue expanding. So if you are intent in finding your “dream job,” you have work to do. It’s also possible that you want and need more than a “dream job.” You may benefit from a new career within or outside of the field of engineering. Other people have made major leaps of faith into new jobs and careers; you can too if you want it badly enough.

In considering your “dream job,” just because you think you would like a particular job or career doesn’t mean that you can make a living doing it. Keep in mind that interests and aptitudes are not the same. What you would like to do and what you have the skills to do could be two entirely different things. For example, an interest may motivate you to want to become a professional tennis player. However, your interest may not be enough to compensate for deficiencies in ability or lack of aptitude for the game. Also, being good at something does not always mean you will enjoy it as a job. Having an interest and aptitude for mathematics, for example, does not mean that you would enjoy being a high school math teacher or research scientist.

Another consideration is how happy you will be with your “dream job” if you do not earn what you’ve made in the past or do not earn enough to cover your expenses. If you have a true interest in a “dream job” that offers primarily lower pay than you are accustomed to, are you willing to adjust your standard of living to match your income? Some people feel that job satisfaction compensates for lower pay; others do not. You will also want to evaluate opportunities in your field. Evaluate the supply of labor versus demand for employees with particular skills. Will it be easy or difficult to get a job in your chosen field? Make your decisions based upon the challenges you may face.

A very important consideration in the personality department is whether you are an extrovert or introvert. Extroverts want people around them; they get their energy from interacting with people. They often think out loud as they work toward solutions. Introverts derive most of their energy from their minds. They think things through silently. They would just as soon work alone as with others. They often get tired when too many people are around them. Neither personality type is right or wrong. Most of us can act either way at times.

When it comes to work, each individual prefers a particular method of operating. You need to be aware of your preference when seeking a “dream job.” For example, an introvert might do well in research, but would do very poorly as a sales engineer. An extrovert, who was highly successful at leading a fund raising campaign, making speeches and meeting people, would likely be very unhappy spending the day in an office analyzing traffic flow data.

Millions of job vacancies are created every day because new jobs are created every day. Opportunities abound. As you search for your “dream job,” keep in mind that you will want to consider a variety of things before making a change. It’s important to base your decision on interests, values, skills and personality traits. Avoid pursuing a “dream job” based upon only one or two criterion. What we are really talking about here is how to get organized for new successes. You can do it!

In conclusion, finding your “dream job” means embarking on an exciting challenge that can lead to a myriad of opportunities, but it will take planning and introspection. Don’t jump into something without the confidence that you will be successful. As you know, the grass often seems greener on the other side. A job or career change is a serious decision. What’s right for someone else may not be right for you. Carefully evaluate your reasons for change. Consider asking family members and close friends for their opinions, but only if you want them to tell you the truth. You may also want to consult a professional career counselor before making your final decision. Leaving your current job for your “dream job” will not guarantee happiness. 

how to live on a tight budget

how to live on a tight budget
how to live on a tight budget. Do you go out to eat at least once a week? Do you frequent the movie theater? Are you are Starbucks addict? If so, you are spending thousands of dollars a year on the little things. Just think of the money you would save if you just cut a few corners each day. Now think about what your savings account would look like if you put that money in a high-interest bank account. How much you save actually has very little to do with the income you receive. In fact, the amount in your savings account actually has much more to do with how you spend your money. Here are just a few “small” ways that will allow you to save a lot of money in the long run.
Entertainment is the first expense that seems to be talked about when it comes to living on a budget. We like to do things in our free time and we like to go out to eat or to concerts on the weekends. But when money is tight, we need to be a bit more creative in how we entertain ourselves.
* Look at your city’s newspaper or entertainment guide regularly to see what free events are in town. You will be surprised at how many free things there are to do when you take the time to look for them.
* Head to your local museum or library. These are free places to relax and spend some time away from your house. And they often offer a number of free programs and events.
* Go for a walk in a park. Many local public parks offer walking trails, tennis courts, and other equipment free of charge. The whole family is sure to love a day at the park.
* Have a movie night at home. Instead of spending money on going to the movies, why not take out some of your favorite movies that you own and watch them at home? You can pop some popcorn and have all night movies marathons.
* No Cable TV. According to research performed by Nielsen Co, the average American watches more than 4 hours of television every day. That’s 2 months in front of the television every year! Trade in the TV for quality activities like spending time with family and reading and you will save about $50 per month.

Gas prices have gone through the roof. Here are some simply ways you can save on gas.

* Search for the lowest gas prices online at GasBuddy.
* Save up to $100 a year on gas by keeping your engine tuned and your tires inflated to their proper pressure.
* Avoid driving as much as possible. When traveling short distances, you can walk or even ride a bike. This will save you hundreds of dollars and probably get you in the best shape of your life.

Gifts and holidays are another source of worry for those living on a tight budget, but they don’t have to be. Though it may seem like you need money in order to show someone you love them at the holidays or on their birthday, this isn’t the case.

* Create freebie coupons. Mark some index cards with free help or favors that you will provide whenever they need it, whether it’s a backrub or mowing their lawn, your time and your help is more valuable than anything that comes with a bow.
* Look at online auction sites or garage sales for gifts. While it can be tricky to find nice gifts that are cheap, these two places are often a lot more helpful than you might think.

Grocery costs are another major expense for many families. Fortunately, there are also a number of ways to save on food and groceries.

* First, you should always pack your lunch for work. Not only will you save a ton of money, but it’s also a lot healthier.
* Skip the Starbucks. Many people don’t realize how their coffee expenses can add up. A single latte can cost up to $4. This means that a Starbucks addict ends up spending about $1,000 just in coffee. Start making your coffee at home and your wallet will thank you for it.
* Buy in bulk. There are a number of stores that allow you to save by buying in bulk. Sam’s Club is one of the most well-known examples.
* Look for coupons. Coupons can save you a ton of money. However, you have to be careful. Even with coupons, you might not be getting the best buy. Comparison shopping is key.
* Look for generic products. Often times, the only difference is the packaging.

Living on a tighter budget simply requires you to add a bit of creativity to your financial planning and daily expenses. There are plenty of ways to live life on the ‘cheap’ without feeling like you’re pinching every penny.

Maria Shriver leaked Schwarzenegger scandal?

Maria Shriver leaked Schwarzenegger scandal?
Maria Shriver leaked Schwarzenegger scandal? There are more revelations in the Arnold Schwarzenegger love child scandal today - according to US reports, it was Maria Shriver's people who leaked the story to the press.
TMZ claims Shriver was "hysterical" when she found out about Arnie's love child with housekeeper Mildred Baena and wanted to hold a press conferenceto announce the news.

Her people eventually managed to talk her out of it but later leaked the story to the LA Times and TMZ.

And while Arnie got there first and spoke out about the scandal, it seems he wasn't telling the whole truth.

TMZ also reports that Maria did not find out about the baby until late April or early May... Arnie claims he came clean in January.

Estella Warren's felony arrest

Estella Warren's felony arrest
Estella Warren's felony arrest. Actress and model Estella Warren is in some seriously hot water. The ‘Planet of the Apes’ actress was arrested late Monday night in L.A. on suspicion of DUI, hit and run, assault, and felony escape.
According to TMZ, a police officer witnessed Warren slam a Toyota Prius into three parked cars and drive away. After she was pulled over, she reportedly resisted arrest and kicked a police officer.

To make matters even worse, while being booked at the police station, she managed to free herself from handcuffs and attempted to run out the back door before being taken into custody once again.

She was really hammered,” a police source told TMZ.
Warren, a top Canadian synchronized swimmer, has appeared in several films and television shows, including ‘Planet of the Apes’ and ‘Kangaroo Jack.’ She has also modeled for Sports Illustrated, Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Chanel, according to IMDB.

She also in landed the No. 1 spot on Maxim’s ‘Hot 100′ list in 2000.

'Dancing With the Stars' finale tonight

'Dancing With the Stars' finale tonight
 'Dancing With the Stars' finale tonight. Tuesday night's "Dancing With the Stars" finale is set to be a close one. The final three dancers, NFL star Hines Ward, Disney's Chelsea Kane and actress Kirstie Alley, battled it out and finished with no more than a five-point difference separating them.

Lady Gaga fans overwhelm Amazon servers

Lady Gaga fans overwhelm Amazon servers
Lady Gaga fans overwhelm Amazon servers. A crush of Lady Gaga fans hit Amazon like a platform stiletto to the gut, overwhelming the company's servers. In an apparent promotion for Amazon's Cloud Drive service, users were invited to download the pop star's much-anticipated new album, "Born This Way," for only 99 cents and qualify for an upgrade to 20 GB of cloud storage - which usually costs $20 a year or comes with a full-price album purchase.

Huguette Clark Dies at 104

Huguette Clark Dies at 104
Huguette Clark Dies at 104. Huguette Clark, the famously reclusive multi-millionaire heiress, has died in a New York City hospital at the age of 104.
Clark died Tuesday morning in a hospital room where she was receiving hospice care while registered under a fake name, according to MSNBC.com's investigative reporter Bill Dedman, who has followed the mysterious Clark and the controversial handling of her incredible wealth in the last several years.

The cause of her death was not immediately known. In recent years Clark's eyesight had failed and her hearing was weak, and at times she had been unwilling to eat, said Dedman.

Despite her vast wealth and relatively good physical health, Clark was "intensely shy" and had been living secluded in a hospital room for the past 22 years, reports Dedman. One of her attorneys represented her for 20 years without meeting her face to face, instead talking through a closed door.

Clark was born in Paris in 1906 to copper king and U.S. Senator William Andrews Clark of Montana, who was 60 when he married Clark's 21-year-old mother in 1902.

Thomas Gooch Objects To Busty Woman In Court

Thomas Gooch Objects To Busty Woman In Court 
Thomas Gooch Objects To Busty Woman In Court
Thomas Gooch Objects To Busty Woman In Court. Cook County, May 26 (THAINDIAN NEWS) A lawyer took an exception to a woman with big busts presence in a court. Attorney Thomas Gooch raised an objection to the woman being in the courtroom saying the busty woman was distracting the jury. He subsequently wants the judge to order the woman out of the team of his opponent’s legal team.
Gooch’s argument was objected by the opposing attorney who argued that the woman is part of his legal team. Attorney Dmitry Feofanov was sitting with the woman facing the jury. Gooch told the court that his argument was twisted by his opponent.

Gooch argued that, “However, I object to somebody I don’t think is a qualified paralegal sitting at the counsel table - when there’s already two lawyers there - dressed in such a fashion as to call attention to herself.”

A hearing has been scheduled for the issue and Cook County Circuit Judge Anita Rivkin-Carothers is expected to determine whether the woman, Daniella Atencia, can still be on the legal team of attorney Feofanov. The hearing will take place on the 2nd of June.

Erica Grow ‘I’m stupid’

Erica Grow ‘I’m stupid’
Erica Grow ‘I’m stupid’
Erica Grow ‘I’m stupid’Storm Team 8″ meteorologist Erica Grow is, team player that she is, also doing news reporting at WTNH. We’re not quite sure why an expert on the weather was tapped to deliver a report on an injured child at a local school, but at least Grow makes the best of it. Right?
Watch Video: 

Lady Gaga Christmas jazz album

Lady Gaga Christmas jazz album
Lady Gaga Christmas jazz album. Lady Gaga wants to record a Christmas album of jazz standards. The 'Hair' hitmaker is planning to eschew her usual electro pop sound to make a record of traditional jazz hits for the festive period.
She told the Financial Times newspaper: "I thought it would be really sweet to do a Christmas release of Gaga and the jazz standards. I really want to do it. I've spoken to my manager."

Giving a possible preview, the 'Born This Way' star recently gave a rendition of jazz track 'Orange Colored Sky' when she performed in England.

The 25-year-old musician has also spoken of her admiration for British singer Adele, who she is set to knock from the top of the album charts with her 'Born This Way' album this week, ending a 16-week run by the 'Someone Like You' singer.

Gaga said: "I'm so excited for Adele. She's doing so well all over the world and it's wonderful to see the world embrace her. She's beaten some of my chart records but I'm happy for her. I love seeing women succeed and she's so talented."

(C) BANG Media International

President Obama arrives in the UK for state visit

President Obama arrives in the UK for state visit
President Obama arrives in the UK for state visit

President Obama arrives in the UK for state visit. merican president Barack Obama has flown into Britain early for a three-day state visit, declaring the UK-US partnership "an essential relationship".
The president flew into Stansted airport ahead of schedule to avoid the possibility of disruption to air travel from the ash cloud from an erupting Icelandic volcano.

He had been due to fly from Ireland on board Air Force One after spending the night in Ireland to be greeted at the Essex airport by the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.

But the decision was taken to bring forward the visit after the announcement of cancellations to some UK commercial flights due to the ash billowing from the Grimsvotn volcano - with more disruption expected in the days to come.

The state visit - only the third by a US president to the UK in 100 years - comes at a time of close co-operation between Britain and America on issues ranging from Libya to Afghanistan, counter-terrorism and the Middle East peace process.

This strong partnership was reflected in a joint newspaper article written by Mr Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron, in which they declare: "Ours is not just a special relationship, it is an essential relationship - for us and for the world."

The president and the First Lady will stay as guests of the Queen at Buckingham Palace for two nights.

The couple will attend a ceremonial welcome in the Palace garden with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh before a state banquet in the evening.

Wednesday will be devoted to politics, with talks between Mr Obama and Mr Cameron at 10 Downing Street, followed by an address to both Houses of Parliament, in which the president is expected to say that the US has no closer ally in the world than Britain.

Lady GaGa eats Letterman's interview notes

Lady GaGa eats Letterman's interview notes
Lady GaGa eats Letterman's interview notes
Lady GaGa eats Letterman's interview notes. David Letterman was lost for words on his TV show after Lady Gaga ate his notes during an interview. The outrageous pop singer made an appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman last night wearing only a jacket and boots.
Letterman went through a list of rumours about Gaga, asking her to say if they were true or false.

When asked if she bit the head off a Barbie doll at a concert, the singer lost her patience and shoved Letterman's note cards in her mouth, saying: "I'm just so fed up with all of this."

Letterman offered her a tissue to spit out the paper but she refused.

"Oh no no, that's not what you think … It's chemically treated," joked the host.

"You won't be out of the egg for a month," said Letterman, in reference to her arrival at the Grammys.

The singer is promoting her latest album, Born This Way.

Soap giant Dove accused of racism

Soap giant Dove accused of racism
Soap giant Dove accused of racism

Soap giant Dove accused of racism. Soap giant Dove has been accused of racism after an advert for one of its products appeared to suggest it can change a user's skin colour.
Soap giant Dove has been accused of racism after an advert for one of its products appeared to suggest it can change a user's skin colour.

The promotion, for Dove VisibleCare Creme Body Wash, features a "before" and "after" skin chart behind a black woman, possibly a Latina and a blonde - all wrapped in towels - standing beside each other.

The caption read: "Visibly more beautiful skin from the most unexpected of places - your shower."

Critics accused Dove of implied, and albeit unintentional, racism, but the firm confirmed that the advert is genuine.

"The ad is intended to illustrate the benefits of using Dove VisibleCare Body Wash, by making skin visibly more beautiful in just one week," the Daily Mail quoted it as saying.

"All three women are intended to demonstrate the 'after' product benefit. We do not condone any activity or imagery that intentionally insults any audience," it added.

Ash cloud causes delays across the UK

Ash cloud causes delays across the UK
Ash cloud causes delays across the UK. Ash cloud over Europe could last for months.
The volcanic ash cloud over Europe continued to delay flights across the continent on Friday. The ash cloud is affecting the Afghanistan war. Scientists say that the cloud could continue to last for weeks, or even months. Airports in the United Kingdom will remain closed until at least 1 a.m. on Saturday. 
For the second straight day, ash from a volcano in Iceland has continued cause major flight delays across Europe. Only 11,000 of the nearly 28,000 flights that normally pass over Europe are expected to take place on Friday, according to Eurocontrol, an intergovernmental organization that manages air traffic in Europe.

Stranded travelers are likely to take little solace in reports from scientists who warn that the eruption creating all the ash may continue for days, weeks, or even months. It remains difficult for scientists in Iceland to ascertain how long the eruption is likely to continue. As of Friday morning, the webcams used to monitor the volcano are still covered in a cloud of ash, reports the BBC. The main problem, however, is not the eruption, but the winds pushing the ash towards Europe.
Minimal effect on US

Although the cloud will eventually reach the US, ABC News reports that it will likely not create problems for domestic flights. However, grounded flights in Europe have affected US flights due to fleet planning issues created by planes stuck in Europe.

"This stuff will go all around the world, but by the time it gets back to the West Coast of the United States, [it'll have] pretty well fallen out to the point where it's not a danger to us," Nance told "Good Morning America" today. "But we've never seen [such a volcanic disruption] on a scale like this where it has hit a tremendous beehive of daily aviation activity."
Although the ash cloud has not had a significant effect on visibility in Europe, aviation officials have canceled flights due to concerns that ash could damage engines of planes flying at high altitudes.

Many heads of state, including President Obama, planned to fly to Poland for Sunday's funeral for President Lech Kaczynski, who was killed in a plane crash a week ago. But the closure of Krakow airport had prompted speculation that the service would be postponed. But it appears the funeral will proceed as planned.

"The will of the family is that in no circumstances should the date of the funeral ceremonies be changed, and that they should go ahead as planned," presidential aide Jacek Sasin told reporters Friday.
UK airspace closed until at least Saturday

The United Kingdom will keep their airspace closed to all but emergency flights until at least 1 a.m. on Saturday, reports CNN. Meanwhile, air transport and weather officials are discussing contingency plans in the event the ash cloud continues to create problems.

The closure has also affected US Air Force operations in support of Iraq and Afghanistan that are flown out of two bases in England. Dozens of fighter jets and tankers have been grounded until the situation changes.

The potential economic impact of the air travel delays has yet to be determined, but Associated Content reports that it may be similar to last month’s seven-day British Airports Authority strike. The strike did not close down all major airports though, so the ash cloud is expected to take an even greater toll on the airline industry. “As the world is in the midst of an economic recovery, the volcanic eruption could not have come at a more difficult time,” write the Associated Content.

Major airports across Europe remain closed as aviation officials wait for the ash cloud to disperse. Bloomberg offers a complete listing of airport closures by country.

Nato Forces Hit Tripoli With Heaviest Bombing Yet

Nato Forces Hit Tripoli With Heaviest Bombing Yet
Nato Forces Hit Tripoli With Heaviest Bombing Yet. NATO pounded the capital with more 20 airstrikes Tuesday in its most intense bombardment yet against Moammar Gadhafi's stronghold of Tripoli, while a senior U.S. diplomat said President Barack Obama has invited the Libyan rebels' National Transitional Council to open an office in Washington. The international community has been stepping up airstrikes and diplomatic efforts against the regime in a bid to break a virtual stalemate, with the rebels in the east and Gadhafi maintaining his hold on most of the west.
The NATO airstrikes hit in rapid succession within a half-hour time span, setting off a series of explosions and sending up plumes of acrid-smelling smoke from an area around Gadhafi's sprawling Bab al-Aziziya compound in central Tripoli.

Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said at least three people were killed and dozens wounded in NATO strikes that targeted what he described as buildings used by volunteer units of the Libyan army.

NATO said in a statement that a number of precision-guided weapons hit a vehicle storage facility adjacent to Bab al-Aziziya that has been used to supply regime forces "conducting attacks on civilians." It was not immediately clear if the facility was the only target hit in the barrage. Bab al-Aziziya, which includes a number of military facilities, has been pounded repeatedly by NATO strikes.

At the Tripoli Central Hospital, the bodies of three mangled men in their twenties lay on stretchers, their clothing ripped and their faces partially blown away. A nurse, Ahmad Shara, told reporters taken on a government-escorted visit to the facility soon after the strikes that the men were standing outside their homes when they were killed, presumably by shrapnel.

One man who identified himself as a relative walked into the room where the bodies lay. He halted at their sight, turned around and pounded a wall as he cried out in despair.

PC to face manslaughter charges over Ian Tomlinson death

PC to face manslaughter charges over Ian Tomlinson death
PC to face manslaughter charges over Ian Tomlinson death. The Metropolitan Police officer involved in the G20 protests death of Ian Tomlinson has been charged with manslaughter and will face trial.On Tuesday, the Director of Public Prosecutions decided that there was enough evidence to charge Scotland Yard officer PC Simon Harwood, who will appear in court next month.
The development comes after Keir Starmer QC vowed to launch a quick and "thorough" review of his decision not to prosecute after an inquest jury unanimously ruled earlier this month that the newspaper seller was unlawfully killed at the protests.

Mr Tomlinson collapsed after suffering an internal bleed as a result of the officer's "excessive and unreasonable" force, the jury said.

Mr Starmer released a statement on Tuesday morning, which read: "On 3 May this year I announced that the decision not to prosecute anyone in relation to the death of Mr Ian Tomlinson would be reviewed in light of the verdict of unlawful killing returned by the jury at the inquest into Mr Tomlinson’s death. That review is now complete and I have this morning met Mr Tomlinson’s family to tell them the outcome..

Laura Byng dodgem

Laura Byng dodgem
Laura Byng dodgem. A fundraiser has bumped a world record holder off the top spot by completing the longest ever dodgem car marathon.
Recruitment consultant Laura Byng, 28, from Southend, completed the bone-shaking 25-hour feat at the town's Adventure Island fun park.

Along the way she was joined by friends - and they killed time by orchestrating synchronised dodgem displays.

Miss Byng said: "It was mostly enjoyable but when we got to 4am, it was freezing cold and there was nobody about, I thought 'what am I doing?'

"My friends joined in for an hour or two. We would start off bumping and have a bit of fun then we would come up with routines to entertain ourselves."

The existing record was held by Austrian Sebastian Bosch who went for a 24-hour spin in 2007.

Miss Byng beat this by an hour and must now wait for official confirmation that she has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Along with teacher Cherylanne Saywell, 37, she hopes to complete The Mongol rally, driving 10,000 miles over five weeks, later this year. They plan to raise £10,000 for Haven Hospices in Essex.

Kim Kardashian's ring cost $2 million

Kim Kardashian's ring cost $2 million
Kim Kardashian's ring cost $2 million. Kim Kardashian's engagement cost $2 million dollars!
Kim just got engaged to NBA player Kris Humphries and her ring is reportedly worth $2 million dollars. TMZ reports that the ring was designed by Lorraine Schwartz and features a 16.5 carat emerald cut center stone flanked by two 2-carat trapezoids. The total weight of the "the highest clarity and color" diamonds is 20.5 carats.

Do you think a $2 million dollar engagement ring is over the top?

Vedran Corluka watch to nightclub waiter

Vedran Corluka watch to nightclub waiter
Vedran Corluka watch to nightclub waiter. Vedran Corluka, a Premier League footballer, gave his £36,000 watch to a nightclub waiter who had admired it, according to reports.
The Tottenham Hotspur defender was at Whisky Mist in Mayfair, central London, when the waiter complimented him on his diamond-encrusted Hublot watch, it is claimed.

Corluka, 25, nicknamed Charlie by fans, promptly took off the watch off handed it over, according to The Sun.

In return he received the waiter's £150 Seiko.

A source at the club told the newspaper: "Charlie took it off and handed it to him. Then he spotted the waiter's watch and said he liked it. He said, 'Let's swap'.

“The waiter thought he was joking. Charlie's a lovely bloke and always polite."

Imogen Thomas 'calls police over Twitter threats'

Imogen Thomas 'calls police over Twitter threats'
Imogen Thomas 'calls police over Twitter threats'. IMOGEN Thomas has called in the police after death threats from Manchester United fanatics.
Imogen Thomas has been showered with abuse since Ryan Giggs was named as the footballer who took out an injunction to hide a six-month fling with her.

They blame her for the furore and fear it is distracting the team in the build-up to Saturday’s Champions League final against Barcelona.

She lives in London and is terrified the extremist fans, modelling themselves on Italian hooligans known as Ultras, will find her when they travel down for the Wembley clash.

Already balaclava-clad yobs have slashed tyres and hurled flour and eggs at journalists’ cars outside 37-year-old Giggs’s £5million mansion in Worsley, Gtr Manchester.

Police sources believe the mob are a gang of fanatics calling themselves the Continuity Manchester Education Committee – or Men In Black. Former Big Brother star Imogen, 28, fears she is now in their firing line.

Last night her spokesman Max Clifford told the Daily Star: “She’s very frightened. Her lawyers have informed police about the threats she’s been receiving.’’

One of her close pals added: “She’s been getting very nasty threats.

“She’s terrified. She doesn’t want to leave the house because she worries what these people may do to her if they get their hands on her.

“She’s convinced they will kill her if they get the chance.’’

United supporters have vented their rage at her through Twitter. As our image above shows, she has been receiving personal abuse.

She also wrote: “Don’t wanna get out of bed today! Actually I may not!’’ Message boards on supporter site RedCafe.net are littered with praise for the masked yobs’ attack on reporters.

One chilling post read: “Shame they didn’t torch them.’’

The Ultras have struck before. Last year 30 men in balaclavas turned up at Wayne Rooney’s home when he wanted to leave the club. He pledged his loyalty to United soon after.

Rio Ferdinand, 32, was also targeted in similar circumstances in 2005.

A United source said: “These are the hardest core of supporters. They want Giggsy fully focused on the game and they’re prepared to act.”

The threats are the main reason Imogen wants the injunction covering her relationship with Giggs lifted so she can tell her side of the story.

He can only be named because Lib Dem MP John Hemming used parliamentary privilege to identify Giggs in the House Of Commons.

Natalie Cassidy 'calls off engagement

Natalie Cassidy 'calls off engagement
Natalie Cassidy 'calls off engagement. After her fiance Adam Cottrell was arrsted and charged over an alleged assault, former EastEnders star Natalie Cassidy has reportedly called off their engagement.
It was reported yesterday that former EastEnders actress Natalie Cassidy and boyfriend Adam Cottrell had a huge row which saw Adam arrested and charged, and now Natalie has apparently made the decision to call off their engagement.

Natalie herself was allegedly left with a black eye after the incident.

A source said: "Natalie and Adam have had a bit of a fiery relationship for a few of weeks now.

"The row escalated before reaching a head on Sunday afternoon.

"By the time Natalie called the police she was miles away from Adam.

"At the moment she doesn't want anything to do with Adam and thinks it best if they have some time apart."

The source added to The Daily Mirror: "Adam is now staying at mates' houses and trying to keep a low profile until his magistrates' hearing next week."

Natalie was spotted looking withdrawn and worried at her home yesterday.

Man Finds Mountain Lion In His Garage

Man Finds Mountain Lion In His Garage
Man Finds Mountain Lion In His Garage. A California father of five rooting around his garage for what he thought was a raccoon or other small critter was suddenly face-to-face with a mountain lion.
Jesse Taylor's wife called 911 Tuesday morning after he discovered the big cat in the garage of their home in Hesperia, a Mojave Desert community about 80 miles northeast of Los Angeles.

The Victorville Daily Press reports neighbors had seen the mountain lion roaming the area since Friday.

California Fish and Game, Hesperia Animal Control and San Bernardino County sheriff's officials showed up, tranquilized the cougar and released it in the San Bernardino National Forest.

Lap dancer turned nun angers Pope

Lap dancer turned nun angers Pope

Lap dancer turned nun angers Pope. Pope Benedict XVI has closed a monastery, visited by Madonna, where a stripper turned nun was a star attraction.
Vatican officials launched an inquiry following claims of 'liturgical abuse' at the monastery, after reports that the nuns were dancing around the altar during services.

Among them was sister Anna Nobili, 38, who became an overnight YouTube sensation after footage of the stripper-turned-nun preaching was posted on the internet.

The order of Cistercian monks are based in the monastery, which is in Rome's Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem.

It is one of the Catholic Church's most popular shrines and contains relics from Christ's Crucifixion.

Korean Phone App Tells Tales On Murderer

Korean Phone App Tells Tales On Murderer
Korean Phone App Tells Tales On Murderer
Korean Phone App Tells Tales On Murderer. It began with a simple phrase -- "brace yourself" -- sent by a university professor to his mistress via a South Korean messaging service app used by millions every day.
But now the message has become key evidence in a murder investigation, with the professor arrested for killing his wife and his mistress sought as an accomplice, police said.

The professor, whose full name was not given, went to the head office of the "Kakao Talk" messenger service provider after the murder and asked them to delete the message. But the message was saved for a month and police were able to retrieve it as part of an investigation of his phone records.

Eventually the professor confessed to strangling his wife, using his mistress's car to transport the body, and dumping it into the sea. He and his wife were in the process of getting a divorce.

"The message helped us discover that the woman was his accomplice," a spokesman at a police station in the southern city of Busan said. A warrant has been issued for her arrest.

"Kakao Talk" is a relatively new free smartphone app with over 14 million users that allows them to send messages, chat, take part in group chats, and send photos.

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings second series

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings second series
Big Fat Gypsy Weddings second series
Big Fat Gypsy Weddings second series. Channel 4 has recomissioned 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings'.
The station were thrilled with the response to the first series of the programme - which averaged 9.1 million viewers over five episodes - and Firecracker Films executives have already begun meeting members of travelling communities ahead of filming the six-episode series, which will air early in 2012. Jes Wilkins, the show's executive producer, said: "We are excited about the creative challenge of how to follow up such a successful series."We are extremely grateful to all the gypsies and travellers who have opened up their lives to us over the last two years and we look forward to cultivating more relationships going forward."

The new series will explore similar rituals to the first - including lavish weddings and confirmation ceremonies - while also exploring life on the road, health, family, prejudice, cultural differences and relationships in different travelling communities, as well as work and finance issues.

Tina Flintoff, Channel 4 factual entertainment commissioning editor said:"'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' was a phenomenon.

"It would have been very easy for us to just commission more of the same but we wanted to enhance the series by adding more journalism and offering an even deeper insight into the gypsy and traveller way of life without losing what makes the show accessible - the weddings, christenings and spectacular celebrations."

As well as introducing new families, the second series will also feature popular stars of the first series, including some of the brides, Irish traveller Paddy Doherty and dressmaker Thelma Madine.

lohan house arrest

lohan house arrest

Lohan house arrest. Last month, was ordered to undertake three years probation, serve 120 days in jail and complete 480 hours of community service after taking a necklace from an upmarket boutique and breaching the terms of her 2007 probation - turned herself into Los Angeles' Lynwood Jail earlier this morning (26.05.11) and it was immediately determined she was eligible to serve her time at home so was fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet and released.
She is now at her house in Venice, California, but cannot leave until June 29.

Los Angeles Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said: "She is now confined to the interior premises of her home at all times."

The home detention service aims to reduce the prison population by allowing non-violent offenders to serve out their sentences in home confinement.

The 'Mean Girls' star - who pleaded no contest to stealing the $2,500 necklace - had until June 17 to report to the prison but it is thought she wanted to do it sooner rather than later so she can begin shooting new movie, 'Gotti: three Generations'.

A source said: "Lindsay wanted to get it over with so it doesn't impact her 'Gotti' role."

In addition to her house arrest, Lindsay, 24, must perform 480 hours of community service at a downtown Los Angeles women's shelter and undertake janitorial work at the county morgue.

Are Willow and Jaden Smith mentoring MJ's kids?

Are Willow and Jaden Smith mentoring MJ's kids?
Are Willow and Jaden Smith mentoring MJ's kids? Katherine Jackson set up the meeting between her grandchildren and Willow and Jaden Smith yesterday. Katherine thinks that the Smith children are good examples of talented and down to Earth kids, and feels that Prince, Paris, and Blanket could learn a lot from them. Katherine wants the children to enjoy their childhood, and the meeting went well as they all got along. Katherine is also actively encouraging the kids to become involved in activities, and that includes acting.

'American Idol' winner crowned

'American Idol' winner crowned
'American Idol' winner crowned. Tonight is the night we’ve been waiting for and looking forward to all season. American Idol season 10 is over and we will very shortly have our 10th Idol! The two finalists, Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery are both the sweetest, most genuine teens who both deserve the title. This is a tough one!
I will note that as soon as Lauren sang in her audition with Steven Tyler, I said she will win. She’s almost there. I also said that Hines Ward would with Dancing With The Stars as soon as the stars were announced…. and he did last night!

There is an amazing lineup of performances tonight before the final results are given. You can check out the list here.

Who do you think is going to take home the title? Who’d you vote for?

UPDATE: Well, I was wrong! And I must say that after watching Scotty perform with Tim McGraw, I am proud to annouce that he is THE AMERICAN IDOL!!!!

The Lakers hire new head coach

The Lakers hire new head coach
The Lakers hire new head coach. The Lakers were expected to announce Brown as the 22nd coach in franchise history Wednesday afternoon but first issued a statement.
"In response to rampant speculation and reports about our head coaching position and Mike Brown, we've met with Mike and are very impressed with him," the team said. "In addition, we have an outline for an agreement in place and hope to sign a contract within the next few days."

Brown, who is currently in Cleveland, will sign the contract later this week. According to league sources, the deal will be for four years and $18.25 million.

During an interview on ESPN during halftime of Game 5 of the Western Conference finals, Brown said he already had exchanged text messages with Kobe Bryant, who had endorsed Jackson assistant coach Brian Shaw for the job.

Brown is "looking forward to getting to know Kobe and being able to work with him to go and get us a championship," he said.

The development is a victorious comeback for Brown, who was fired by the Cleveland Cavaliers almost a year ago to the day. Now, the 41-year-old Brown, the winningest coach in Cavaliers history, is leading one of the most prestigious and successful franchise in modern basketball history.

The contract is a three-year deal with a team option for a fourth year. If the Lakers don't pick up the option, Brown is guaranteed to receive $2.5 million.

Brown's union with the Lakers came together quickly. An ESPN analyst and the 2008-09 NBA coach of the year, he emerged as the leading candidate for the vacancy created when Phil Jackson retired after a strong face-to-face interview Saturday with Lakers brass including executive vice president of player personnel Jim Buss, ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher reported.

Justin Bieber's $25,000 necklace

Justin Bieber's $25,000 necklace
Justin Bieber's $25,000 necklace. Justin Bieber has a lot of money. Enough to buy himself a $25,000 necklace of Stewie from The Family Guy. It’s made of 12 carats of diamonds and rubies set in white gold.
Jeweler Jason Arasheben told TMZ, that it was a collaborative effort and that Bieber ”had a specific vision for how he wanted it to look.”

It’s really quite cute but a 17 year old with a $25k necklace is so uncommon it’s a bit strange to me. It’s actually strange to me for an adult to have a necklace that expensive. Then again all things being equal $25 k to him is probably NOTHING. It’s still nothing compared to Kim Kardashian’s engagement ring.

Schwarzenegger to face criminal inquiry

Schwarzenegger to face criminal inquiry
Schwarzenegger to face criminal inquiry. After reports circulated that Sacramento Hyatt Regency security officer William Taylor used to witness former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger using CHP officers and vehicles to bring multiple 'scantily-clad' women in and out of his suite at the hotel, the California Attorney General will be conducting a preliminary evaluation, or an "inquiry" into his behavior during that time, so they can determine how much money he was misusing to cover up his affairs!
As Taylor has explained:

“It makes me very angry just to think of what was going on at that time. On three differed occasions after the governor arrived alone at the Hyatt Regency, CHP Dignitary Protection Services arrived in their official vehicles, black Ford Crown Victoria sedans - about one to two hours later with one or two young females. They'd hurriedly escort the women through the service entrance on the second floor parking garage to the elevator that went to the governor's private wing… the women would usually stay for two to four hours and either leave through the hotel's main entrance or be driven away by the CHP in the same official vehicles."

Unbelievable. This guy really has a lot of nerve, given the current deficit in this state!

Actions have consequences, and we think Arnold is going to be learning this lesson the hardest way possible!

Judge rules on Jared Loughner's compentency

Judge rules on Jared Loughner's compentency
Judge rules on Jared Loughner's compentency. The man accused of killing six people and injuring a US congresswoman in a January shooting rampage in Arizona has been found incompetent to stand trial.
The ruling by US District Judge Larry Burns puts Jared Loughner's prosecution on hold indefinitely.

He will be sent to a federal facility in an effort to restore his competency.

Six died and 13 were injured in the shooting, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Mr Loughner, 21, has pleaded not guilty to the attack.

Watched on television

At the hearing into Mr Loughner's mental competency in Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday, he was removed from the federal court following an outburst.

The defendent lowered his head, loudly mumbling what sounded like "thank you for the freak show. She died in front of me," and was taken away by US marshals, the Associated Press reported.

Judge Larry Burns later allowed Mr Loughner to watch proceedings on a television in another room, then handed down his ruling.

Before Wednesday's hearing, Mr Loughner had spent five weeks in March and April undergoing a mental evaluation by court-appointed experts, and Mr Burns based his ruling on the undisclosed report.

Mr Loughner, who was rejected by the US military and suspended from college over concerns for his mental health, has been held since the 8 January attack on Ms Giffords' constituency event at a store in Tucson, Arizona.

He is charged with 49 federal counts in connection with the attack.

Treatment attempt

Ms Giffords, who was shot in the head, has made what doctors have called a remarkable recovery, but she has yet to appear in public.

Mr Loughner will now be sent for a maximum of four months to a facility where doctors will attempt to treat him.

If he is later deemed competent, the trial will proceed, and if not his detention at the mental health facility can again be extended.

If doctors say they are unable to restore Mr Loughner's competency and a judge rules he cannot be tried, authorities can still petition to have him held.