Thursday 29 September 2011

Giants wildlife

Hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules) - beetle from the subfamily of the family Dynastinae scarab. It is considered one of the biggest bugs on Earth. Lives in Central and South America, the Caribbean. Body length of males to 178 mm, females to 80 mm. According to unconfirmed reports, the male captured makismalnaya length was 220 mm.
The larva of this giant can weigh up to 120 grams.

Terafoza Blond or tarantulas, goliath (Theraphosa blondi) - the largest spider in the world. Is able to hunt for frogs, toads, lizards, mice and even small zmey.Samy major representative of this species was discovered in Venezuela in 1965: the scope of its paws reaching 28 centimeters. Was first described by French entomologist Latreylem in 1804. Dimensions female calf Terafoza Blond reaches 90 mm, and male - 85 mm, with straightened legs Blond Terafoza sizes up to 25 inches. Widespread in tropical forests of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and northern Brazil.

Pavlinoglazka Atlas or Atlas (Attacus atlas) - butterfly of the family Pavlinoglazok. One of the largest butterflies in the world. Wingspan up to 26 cm, females are much larger than males. The largest documented instance of the female was caught on the island of Java, and had a wingspan of 262 mm. According to unconfirmed reports documented the largest female was caught by an instance with a wingspan of 289 mm. It occurs in tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, southern China and from Thailand to Indonesia, Borneo, Java.

South American tropical moth, or tizaniya Agrippina (Thysania agrippina) - a large moth of the family Noctuidae. Is the largest butterfly in the world - in 1934 in Brazil was the largest individual caught with a wingspan of 30.8 cm A similar specimen was caught in 1997 by entomologist Mario Callegari in northern Peru. Prevalent in Mexico, Central and South America. It is considered a migrant from the southern regions of Texas.

Ptitsekryl Queen Alexandra and Queen Alexandra ornithopter (Ornithoptera alexandrae Rothschild, 1907) - the biggest day butterfly in the world, belongs to a family sailing (Papilionidae). The first European who described this species of butterflies in 1906, was a collector Albert Stewart Meek. In 1907, the banker and collector of butterflies, Lord Walter Rothschild gave the name of the form in honor of Queen Alexandra, wife of the King of Great Britain, Edward VII. The butterfly occurs in a limited habitat - in tropical rain forests of Papua - New Guinea in the mountains of Popondetta. Species is an endangered. Females are larger than males ptitsekryla Alexandra, the scope of their curved wings up to 28 cm length of the abdomen is 8 cm, weight - up to 12 grams. Wings and abdomen dark brown with white, cream and yellow ornaments. Males are smaller (up to 20 cm) and outwardly very different from the females, their wings are narrow, shimmering blue and green tsvetami.Gusenitsy grow to 12 cm in length and 3 cm in thickness

Guidak (Panopea abrupta and related species) - marine bivalve family Hiatellidae. These large (up to 1.5 kg) organisms have very long siphons fused (up to 1 m in length) and relatively small (20 cm), the fragile shell. Considered the largest burrowing clam. Name «geoduck» («gweduck») is borrowed from the Indians and means "digging deep." Inhabits the north-west coast of the United States and Canada. This clam is known as one of the most long-lived animals: the average life expectancy guidakov - 146 years and the age of the oldest specimens found was 160 years old. The only predators that can inflict damage to mollusc, are small sharks and sea otters that can extract it from the ground, and sea stars that are being attacked on the ground surface trap. Clam Meat pretty tough. Sometimes it is cooked in the U.S., but the main consumers of guidaka - Japanese and Chinese. In Japan guidaka called 'Murugan' and eaten raw (as sashimi).

Sibling woodlice - Deep-cancer (Bathynomus giganteus), first discovered in 1879, does not look familiar to us as cancer, as well as a huge half-meter wood louse. This cancer eats carrion and sea, though its not very appetizing appearance, is a delicacy in Taiwan. According to experts, it resembles the taste of lobster.

Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) - kind of crustacean infraorder crabs (Brachyura). One of the largest representatives of arthropods: large specimens reach 45 cm in length and 3 m in the span of the first pair of legs. Extended to depths greater than 150 meters off the coast of Japan. Weight - 20 kg. The body length (cephalothorax without feet) to 37 cm, with legs up to 4 m. It lives at depths of 150-800 m, but most obnaruzhivetsya at about 200-300 m. During the laying up to 50 m (in spring). It feeds on shellfish and remains of animals living, to an estimated 100 years. Used in food, scientific and decorative purposes, often found in large aquariums.

Goliath - the largest of today's frogs. Endemic to the south-west Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea (presence in Gabon is assumed but not confirmed). Total length from snout to Goliath toes may exceed 90 inches. Maximum weight of a frog - 6 pounds, mostly - from 3 to 3.5 kilograms.

Lumberjack-titanium. The largest among the known bugs on Earth. Most sources indicate the length of an adult ranges from 79 to 167 mm. Other sources give different maximum length - from 170 to 210 and even up to 220 mm. Available scientific evidence so far could not be obtained. The average length of most specimens is 130 mm, is much rarer individuals up to 150 mm. Reach large sizes are only a few instances. The cost of collection of copies maximum size can be up to U.S. $ 680 or more. Females are larger and bulkier than males. Is nocturnal, which is typical for the majority of closely related species. At dusk, increases activity of the beetles, they crawl out of daytime shelter (leaf litter, hollow, rotten stumps) rise in elevation, and take off. Lumberjack-Ti is distributed throughout the Amazon - from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Suriname and Guyana to Bolivia and central parts of Brazil.

The body length of the Australian grasshopper, are also found in New Zealand - about 10 cm
Madagascan cockroaches are among the most prominent representatives of his party and reach over 8 cm in length. Most of the cockroaches they are distinguished by the absence of wings, due to their habitat in the forest floor. An interesting feature is the presence of males on the pronotum well marked horseshoe outgrowth, as well as it should be noted at the ability of terror issue, by letting through the abdominal spiracles the air, quite loud hiss. Found this kind, as the name implies, the tropical forests of Madagascar.
Achatina fulika, East African Achatina giant African snail, or (lat. Achatina fulica) - terrestrial gastropod. Widely distributed in tropical countries, is a pest of crops, particularly sugar cane. In Europe, including Russia, where survival is impossible in the nature of Achatina, they are often kept as pets. The snail reaches a length of 20 cm conical shell, most often twisted counterclockwise, while the opposite trend is quite common. The old Achatina shell is from 7 to 9 turns. Shell color depends on diet and other shellfish living conditions, usually on it, bands of different shades of brown. The largest of the known specimens were 25 cm in length and 200 grams.

Australian giant earthworm (Megascolides australis). This type of earthworm, which can reach 4 meters in length - the largest invertebrate in the world of soil. He lives only in Australia in the hills of Southwestern Gipslenda. The largest of the described specimens had a diameter of 3 cm and a thickness of a thumb adult.

Skolopendra giant (Latin Scolopendra gigantea) reaching lengths of 26 cm, it is found on the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad in the north and west of South America. Known cases of attacks on the giant skolopendry birds, lizards and toads. Mistakenly believed that a giant bite skolopendry deadly to humans. Especially poisonous is the female.
Giant lobsters and lobsters. Spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) long-tailed decapod crustaceans of the family of cancer. Reaches a length of 60 cm and weigh up to 5kg. Body fat and an antenna equipped with powerful spikes. Lobster like lobster, but differs from it by a hard carapace, thickly strewn with thorns, long antennae and lack of claws on the thoracic legs. Painted in bright reddish-brown color. Lives in the Pacific Ocean near California and Mexico, near Japan, South Africa, South Australia and New Zealand. Lobsters are caught and fixed nets, baskets and traps.

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