Tuesday 27 September 2011

The European crisis is scaring the world

Obama: "The European crisis is scaring the world".The U.S. president criticizes leaders of the eurozone will not be reacting quickly to the crisis

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, has said that the debt crisis in Europe "is scaring the world." During a meeting with users of the LinkedIn social network in California, the president chided the leaders of the eurozone will not be reacting quickly enough to the crisis facing.According to Obama, the U.S. economy has been affected and have suffered a setback this year due to various world events, such as the Arab Spring, which has led to increased energy prices, and the contagion effect of poor financial health European nations.

For U.S. President-facing reelection next year with the lowest approval ratings of his term, 'Europe' has not recovered from the crisis of 2007 and has never dealt with all the challenges facing its banking "he assured. "It is seeing what is happening now in Greece," Obama said from Mountain View (California).

Obama is engaged in a fundraising tour ahead of the 2012 campaign and to promote the employment plan that it hopes U.S. remove one of the worst unemployment levels in years (9.1%). For the president, European leaders have been working but not quickly enough. "They are immersed in a financial crisis that is scaring the world and trying to make responsible choices, but are not being all that should be fast."

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