Tuesday 4 October 2011

Try to get World Record

How much beer you need to get into the Guinness Book of Records? A lot. Not less than nine feet. Beer should be drunk with their friends, and empty bottles at attention and pull to put next to the roulette table. Now you're ready for a new record. Oh yes, we still need a virtuoso of the monocycle Germany Lutz Ayhlez.

Lutz was invited to Israel in honor of the 2nd Congress of the Association monotsiklistov - to whet your interest in this event.
Ayhlez known as a man, brilliantly controlling a unicycle, including for off-road and even in the mountains - not so long ago he went, or rather, moved to the Alps.
Here he is in person. Trips to the neck of the bottle for him, too, are nothing new - it has already been registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the man who managed to travel so 7.99 meters. This happened about six months ago, on a program of Italian television.
Warm up before the race.
To beat his record, Lutsu must get to the red part of the track.
Lutz shows the possibilities of the monocycle - jumping over obstacles.
Drum roll. Now begins the record check.
Guinness representatives in Tel Aviv was not, they will need to send a videotape record. I think that is no problem - photo and video was made just nemeryannom.
Several attempts were unsuccessful, but good number of races is not limited to, the main thing - the result.
Oh, it turns out!

Rafi Vibis, chairman of the association monotsiklistov Israel gives interview to "Jewish" Al Jazeera "- a new channel Jewish News One
Vibis do not agree that the monocycle - it is pure circus. He is convinced that this is an extreme sport, in no way inferior to BMX (bicycle motocross).
In any case, go to the monocycle is not easy. Here is a journalist of the Second Israeli TV channel tries to ride on the neck of the bottle.
The result - 80 inches.
A reporter managed to ride the ninth channel is the only way - waltzing with Vibisom.

As usual, more text can be found here. Yes, if you're experimenting at home, keep in mind that the Guinness allowed "prop" bottle rack (as pictured). If you just put the bottles in a row, then pass on them can not even genius of the balancing act.

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