Friday, 11 May 2012

A List Of 10 Ways Not To Blow Your First Job

A List Of 10 Ways Not To Blow Your First Job

A List Of 10 Ways Not To Blow Your First Job, For the next couple of weeks, college graduates will don their robes and mortar boards and finally make that walk across the stage to receive a diploma. With all of the dire media reports about the lack of jobs, those of you who have a position lined up are the lucky ones.
Good for you.
Now, the work really begins. Here's a list to get you started:
Do quality work. Crap will catch up with you quickly.
Solve your own problems. Or management will.
Be on time or early. Or your competition will.
Put in the hours. "They" say it takes 10,000 hours to succeed at anything.
Form relationships in your industry. Relationships are everything.
Learn to write. LOL? No, really. Learn to write.
Dress for the work you want. No one cares about your personal style.
Know your strengths. And don't be afraid to highlight them.
Know your weaknesses. And fix them.
Learn to speak. Like, you know.
You have a leg up on many. Print this list and carry it with you everywhere. Read it every morning. Tape it to the bathroom mirror. Put it on your iPad. Record it as a voice memo. You beat out many for a job, but it will take an incredible work ethic to keep that job and succeed.
Again, congratulations on your graduation and job. Now go take advantage of your situation and rock to the top!

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