Sunday 25 September 2011

Dakota Fanning:NYU freshman Dakota Fanning shuns dorm life

NYU freshman Dakota Fanning is bypassing dorm life to live in the lap of luxury in Soho. the 17-year-old "Twilight" starlet opted for a two-bedroom rental in the same luxury condo where John Mayer keeps an apartment. (Dakota: if Mayer comes a-knocking, don't open the door. Just blast this until he goes away.)

Fanning's not the only famous NYU-er to forgo the dorms. In 2004, the Olsen twins got a bachelorette pad in Greenwich Village; their fame caused such a commotion at school that living off-campus was the best option. And they could afford it. Unlike most ramen-eating, communal-showering, weird roommate-having college freshmen.

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